I'd like to share some of my experiences in a hard task: learning Android. You should consider my starting point. (see About) My main tools at this time were: CAD, oscilloscope, Eclipse.

The main Milestones:

  • develop first app, get it running, debugging and understand how it works (activity, intent, ...)
  • test POJO then Espresso, understand the workflow
  • UsereXperience, The whole new different world with new paradigm. Start with Steve Krug's Dont make me think and Udacity UX Course 


In the beginning: Eclipse. Now Android-Studio with two separate installations : stable and canary, both on Windows 7 and Ubuntu.

Devices: from Nexus One, Galaxy Nexus, N5, N7, N9 to Lenovo Phab2Pro (Tango !)


To start learning, in self-study, everyone need _THE_BOOK(S)_,

Searching Amazon for books about Android, one get list with countless titles.


I have started with: "Hello, Android" by Ed Burnette, Pragmatic

easy and fun to read


To go on with learning,  effective, best book  in my opinion: BigNerdRanch 

very detailed with best tutorials from zero to pro, reference too


Very good books, from official Android Advocate:

Professional Android 4 Development by Reto Mayer


Next level, not for the beginners, "The Must Read", specially Examples:



For a software developer as me, to understand the nuances of design:

Don't make me think

Mobile first

Smashing Android UI


For mobile (on the go) development of Android (mobile workstation, IDE) ,:

Ultimate Android by Mike Riley


To understand AOSP, structure, content:

Embedded Android


To work with sensors:

Android sensors


For Pythonists:

Pro Android with Python SL4A


I'll recomend both books from Onur Cinar:

Eclipse, C++ with NDK


The list of some Bibles for every software developer:

Fragmented 80


it's only one problem TIME...


Internet resources

The Android Bibel: google android , training, reference, 

equal important: Stackoverflow,

Udacity fantastic courses




Vogella tutorials


UX, specially mobile:




Android Backstage, Fragmented, ...


Blogs and G+ from gurus.


Last but not least Android-weekly